
I love the malleability of clay and the potential for making truly life-like creations, as well as more abstract interpretations. In my series of fungi I’ve particularly enjoyed perfecting the texture of the bark of various tree species, and feel vindicated by the number of people in exhibitions who have asked me how I got the mushrooms to stick on the piece of bark…
I also love creating pieces (in both glass and ceramic) that teeter on the gap between useful and decorative…
With thanks to the wonderful Odette Frijters for her expertise.
Some pieces may be for sale – please check shop for availability. I am also always happy to take commissions.
Ceramics artworks

3.37 Stranded

2.8 The Beauty of Bread Mould

1.9 Fungi – Angel wings

1.8 Fungi – Pleurotus II

1.7 Fungi – Porcelain fungus

1.6 Fungi – Turkeytail dish

1.5 Fungi – Turkey tails I

1.4 Fungi – Chicken of the woods

1.3 Fungi – Earthstar

1.24 Lichen – Physconia dystorta

1.23 Sea anemone

1.22 Frog on a lilypad

1.21 Ode to the fig wasp

1.20 Fossilised wood

1.2 Fungi – Elf cups

1.19 Tortoise

1.18 Lobster

1.17 Insect dishes

1.16 Hatching tortoise 1

1.15 Hatching tortoise 2

1.14 Lichen – Punctelia borreri

1.13 Scales

1.12 Seawards

1.11 Shoal

1.10 Fungi – Elf cups 2

1.1 Fungi – Sulphur tuft
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Interested in any artworks, would like to visit my studio, or perhaps discuss a commission?