
I spend a lot of time in nature observing insects, lichen and flowers and hunting for mushrooms. Most things are recorded in my beloved notebooks, which I often illustrate with coloured pencil drawings of my finds.
In the autumn I made a series of fungi drawings for sale – check the shop for availability. I am also always happy to take commissions.

7.9 Fungi – Boletus badius

7.8 Fungi – Boletus chrysenteron

7.7 Fungi – Gymnophilus junonius

7.6 Fungi – Russula emetica

7.5 Fungi – Russula drimeia

7.4 Fungi – Mycena pura

7.3 Fungi – Boletus satanus

7.2 Fungi – Macrolepiota procera

7.12 Fungi – Lycoperdon pyriforme

7.11 Fungi – Mycena inclinata

7.10 Fungi – Clitocybe sp.

7.1 Fungi – Lactarius rufus
Would you like to buy an artwork?

Interested in any artworks, would like to visit my studio, or perhaps discuss a commission?