
Much of my simpler jewellery is based around fused glass – a collection of bee wings painted in liquid gold, and jellyfish painted in pink and blue. I recently rekindled my love for silversmithing to make a solid silver jewellery collection with glass frogspawn – it was extremely popular, but I fear silversmithing and arthritic hands don’t go very well together, so such pieces will remain on commission only.
With thanks to the wonderful Heleen van der Spek and Heidy Raetz for their expertise.
Some pieces may be for sale – please check shop for availability. I am also always happy to take commissions.
Jewellery artworks

8.34 Frogspawn stud earrings

8.33 Frogspawn pendant earrings

8.32 Frogspawn pendant

8.31 Frogspawn necklace

8.3 Frogspawn jewellery

8.1 Bee wings jewellery
Would you like to buy an artwork?

Interested in any artworks, would like to visit my studio, or perhaps discuss a commission?